I tried to write a web scraper in CHICKEN Scheme, but it didn’t go well not far from the beginning. I had OpenSSL installed via Homebrew, and installed the http-client and openssl eggs. But when I tried to get the content of an HTTPS website, it showed an error:

Error: (ssl-do-handshake) ssl: library=SSL routines, function=ssl3_get_server_certificate, reason=certificate verify failed
Call history:
intarweb.scm:798: g2624
intarweb.scm:775: write-request-line
intarweb.scm:749: http-method->string
intarweb.scm:750: uri-common#uri->string
intarweb.scm:751: number->string
intarweb.scm:752: number->string
intarweb.scm:748: string-append
intarweb.scm:748: display
http-client.scm:571: k776
http-client.scm:571: g780
http-client.scm:700: close-connection!
http-client.scm:225: close-input-port
http-client.scm:226: close-output-port
http-client.scm:701: max-retry-attempts
http-client.scm:702: max-retry-attempts
http-client.scm:705: raise <--